2010.09.30 – Wysyłam list w Naszym imieniu.

wrzesień 30, 2010 by
Kategoria: Wydarzenia

W dniu wczorajszym dostałem list z DSI (Down Syndrom International-Międzynarodowa Organizacja na rzecz zespołu Downa). Andrew napisał, że DSI stara się o poparcie rezolucji ONZ o oficjalnym ustanowieniu Światowego Dnia Zespołu Downa 21 marca dniem ONZ, uznanym przez wszystkie kraje członkowskie tego gremium.

Poprosił, abym jako przedstawiciel Polski w DSI przygotował dokument, który wesprze działania DSI na arenie ONZ z jednej strony, z drugiej by Stały Polski Przedstawiciel przy ONZ Pan Ambasador Witold Sobków też wyraził swoje poparcie dla tak istotnej dla nas idei. Pozwoliłem sobie to zrobić …i wysłałem list do ONZu :)


Ambassador Witold Sobków

Permanent Representative to the United Nations for POLAND

Permanent Mission of POLAND to the United Nations

2010, September 29th

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

Draft Resolution for the United Nations General Assembly 65th Session

United Nations Observance Day – World Down Syndrome Day – 21 March

I am writing with respect to a proposed new United Nations Observance Day, World Down Syndrome Day, which www.zespoldowna.info are supporting in conjunction with Down Syndrome International and the Brazilian Federation of Down Syndrome Associations. We understand that a draft resolution will be presented by the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations to the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs (3rd) Committee of the 65th Session for consideration, and we are seeking your support for this as Poland’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

We have actively campaigned for and supported the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in our country and in others since its adoption, with specific focus on the human rights and quality of life of persons with Down syndrome. Since 2006, Down Syndrome International, who are members of the International Disability Alliance (IDA), have co-ordinated an annual observance known as World Down Syndrome Day, held on 21 March (21/3) to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes the genetic condition Down syndrome, with the fundamental aim of raising awareness of the condition around the world and promoting the guiding principles of the UN CRPD in relation to persons with Down syndrome. We have supported this initiative and organised awareness raising and other charitable events in our country which have been very successful in promoting the inherent rights and inclusion of persons with Down syndrome in our society.

The observance of World Down Syndrome Day has grown rapidly since 2006 and the 5th World Down Syndrome Day, on 21 March 2010, was observed in a substantial number of countries around the world, with many organisations, advocates and self-advocates hosting and taking part in specific events and activities, all aimed at raising awareness of the condition throughout society. People from many countries around the world have shared their experiences and it is certain that World Down Syndrome Day is now a truly global annual event.

The proposal is that the UN General Assembly adopts a resolution so that 21 March becomes a United Nations Observance Day known as World Down Syndrome Day, with effect from 2011. We have little doubt that a UN Observance will greatly assist us to further raise the profile of World Down Syndrome Day in our country through events and activities, in turn providing a platform for persons with Down syndrome to participate in their communities.

We very much hope that this is something you are prepared to support and accordingly, we look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Sincerely


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