Antagomir, czym jest, jak funkcjonuje

marzec 25, 2010 by
Kategoria: Suplementy, leki i ich kontrola

Antagomir jest jednym z najnowszych leków uzyskanych dzięki chemicznej syntezie oligonukleotydów (fragment kwasów nukleinowych RNA lub DNA). Wytwarzane są do stymulowania, uciszania endogenicznego mikroRNA. Występuje w postaci małego, syntetycznego RNA, które jest perfekcyjnie komplementarne do określonego mikroRNA, który jest na “celowniku” danej terapii.

Antagomir określany jest w medycynie w liczbie mnogiej ze względu na określenie różnorodnych celów mikroRNA których jest bardzo dużo, do których z kolei są one dostosowywane. Ich odkrycie jest związane z badaniami nad chorobami serca.

Pierwsze badania nad ich zastosowaniem miały miejsce w 2005 roku i zostały wykorzystane w pracach doktora Eltona, o wynikach których dzisiaj piszemy tutaj:


Nature 438, 685-689 (1 December 2005) | doi:10.1038/nature04303; Received 19 July 2005; Accepted 12 October 2005; Published online 30 October

Silencing of microRNAs in vivo with ‘antagomirs’

Jan Krützfeldt, Nikolaus Rajewsky, Ravi Braich, Kallanthottathil G. Rajeev, Thomas Tuschl, Muthiah Manoharan & Markus Stoffel

  1. Laboratory of Metabolic Diseases, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, USA
  2. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Laboratory of RNA Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, USA
  3. Biology and Mathematics, Center for Comparative Functional Genomics, Department of Biology, New York University, New York, New York 10003, USA
  4. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Inc., 300 3rd Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA

Correspondence to: Markus Stoffel1 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.S. (Email: Gene expression data have been deposited at GEO-NCBI under accession number GSE3425.


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of non-coding RNAs that are believed to be important in many biological processes through regulation of gene expression. The precise molecular function of miRNAs in mammals is largely unknown and a better understanding will require loss-of-function studies in vivo. Here we show that a novel class of chemically engineered oligonucleotides, termed ‘antagomirs’, are efficient and specific silencers of endogenous miRNAs in mice. Intravenous administration of antagomirs against miR-16, miR-122, miR-192 and miR-194 resulted in a marked reduction of corresponding miRNA levels in liver, lung, kidney, heart, intestine, fat, skin, bone marrow, muscle, ovaries and adrenals. The silencing of endogenous miRNAs by this novel method is specific, efficient and long-lasting. The biological significance of silencing miRNAs with the use of antagomirs was studied for miR-122, an abundant liver-specific miRNA. Gene expression and bioinformatic analysis of messenger RNA from antagomir-treated animals revealed that the 3′ untranslated regions of upregulated genes are strongly enriched in miR-122 recognition motifs, whereas downregulated genes are depleted in these motifs. Analysis of the functional annotation of downregulated genes specifically predicted that cholesterol biosynthesis genes would be affected by miR-122, and plasma cholesterol measurements showed reduced levels in antagomir-122-treated mice. Our findings show that antagomirs are powerful tools to silence specific miRNAs in vivo and may represent a therapeutic strategy for silencing miRNAs in disease.

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